How to exercise in sync with your cycle

Do you exercise in the same way every week or do you adjust your routine based on which phase of the cycle you are in? If you take into consideration the phase of the menstrual cycle and adjust your exercise routine to it, it will have a positive impact on your hormones, fertility, mental and overall health. So how to exercise in sync with your cycle?

How to exercise in sync with your cycle


đŸ©ž During your period be gentle to yourself. Some stretching and walking will be beneficial, but try to avoid HIIT or any high-intensity cardio like running. Remember, your uterus is working hard to shred the uterine lining, so make sure you support it. Very gentle practices like yin yoga will be beneficial, together with meditation to listen to your feelings and emotions and to go through them instead of avoiding them. When trying for a baby it is also emotionally challenging time, allow the emotions to run through you, don’t burry them deep down.

If you don’t feel like exercising at all, that’s also fine! Take the time to rest and give your body time to recover and get ready for the new cycle that is beginning.

Process your feelings on your period

Pre-ovulatory (follicular) phase

đŸ’Ș During the follicular phase estrogen is on the rise, therefore you can go for any exercise you enjoy. You won’t feel so tired and depleted even after high-intensity cardio, estrogen is making sure you’ve got plenty of energy and you are able to recover fast.

When it comes to yoga, the follicular phase is the time for more active yoga flows, including twists and targeting the liver and kidneys meridians to support hormonal balance.

Fertility yoga during follicular phase


🏃 Around ovulation you are blooming, hit the personal best! The time around ovulation is the time when your energy levels are the highest. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself and boost your confidence with some energetic yoga flows. Don’t be afraid to practice balancing poses, inversions or backbends. đŸƒâ€â™€ïž

Post-ovulatory (luteal) phase

🧘 In the luteal phase it’s time to start winding down again. Lower the intensity, but don’t be afraid to continue doing any exercise you like. If you are used to running, there is no need to stop. Maybe adjust the mileage or the pace, just listen to your body. You can especially benefit from weight-lifting exercises.

This phase in the ttc community is also called the two-week wait, which means here comes the never-ending waiting for your period (which hopefully won’t arrive this time). In this time you want to provide nourishment to the hopefully fertilized egg and support implantation. Yoga together with meditation can also help you feel more grounded in order to reduce inflammation. AND to reduce stress which is omnipresent in this phase of the menstrual cycle. Check out my IG reel about grounding and inflammation. In my earlier blog article you can also find more about fertility yoga and whether it is something suitable for you.

Have you ever thought about the link in between the menstrual cycle and your exercise routine?

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