Understand your body, boost your fertility and get pregnant

I've been on the fertility journey, too. That's why I know how much it sucks and that's why I want to help you get pregnant.

Hello and welcome, I am glad you found me and decided to take charge of your own fertility. No matter how long you have been on your fertility journey, I am here to guide you through and help you get pregnant. In other words, I will make sure to support you on every level – physical, mental and emotional. Well, the last aspect is often overlooked as we tend to focus mostly on the physical body. However, our emotions and feelings are equally important.

You deserve to have your family.

Every fertility journey is different and everyone experiences it differently. Therefore I make sure my work with you is always unique and tailored to YOU. I’ve been on this journey, too. And that’s why I know how much it sucks. So I am here to support you, find the reason why it is not happening while making you believe again that you can have this baby. Because I know you can.

About my work

I am a certified FAM educator and a certified yoga instructor. My focus in yoga is on women’s health, fertility and hormonal balance as I believe fertility is a reflection of our body’s overall health. You might be surprised how much your cycle can tell about your fertility once you learn to read it. That’s also one of my goals. I want you to feel empowered on your journey as well as feel confident in your body and get pregnant. Therefore in my work I focus on different aspects of wellbeing and fertility. In fact, very often it is an underlying condition that prevents you from getting pregnant. So what do you say, are you ready to dig deeper together?

I am a certified Fertility Awareness Method educator and a certified yoga instructor. My focus in yoga is on women's health, fertility and hormonal balance. Let me help you get pregnant.
Fertility yoga has a positive effect on egg quality, ovulation, uterine lining and implantation. Join me for my free classes on YouTube!
Four colouring fertility affirmation cards for each stage of your cycle – the menstrual and follicular phase, ovulation and luteal phase. Four extra cards for support after having experienced a loss.
Have you decided to start tracking your body signals to know exactly when ovulation is coming and when it occurred? I am so happy you are taking charge of your own fertility!
These colouring affirmation cards for pregnancy after loss or a long fertility journey will guide you through your 1st trimester and bring more ease into it. There are four affirmations for every two weeks, 20 in total.